Recording Audio Book


Recording Audio Book

Recording the audio book is not a simple job.

95,000 words, 25 chapters takes time.

It took 20 hours of recording over 3 days at Ladbroke Audio in Croydon. Unusually, I stand up to record. This may not be as relaxing as sitting down and reading but It helps me deliver the right performance to the stories. I need regular refreshment and pause often throughout the process. I’m not drinking tea or coffee - they tend to impact on the vocal chords -  So instead I drink hot honey,

The story weaves its way through my Camino with memoirs from my career in radio, TV and entertainment.  It’s quite a different experience reading out loud rather than reading to yourself. Things that make sense on the page sometimes need adjusting in the spoken word. 

It's been a revelation.

The next stage is editing (suprisingly there are one or two retakes!) and there are some sound effects to be added. Then a proof reader listens to my reading and compares it to the original manuscript. 

 When the producers are happy it goes off to the distributors – Audible books and Spoken Word. It becomes available as a download and you can listen on your device, in your car, wherever you may be.

You can pre-order the book and be part of the lucky ones that will have it more immediately…

We celebrated the end of the recording marathon with a bash on the head like this or like this!

Bash on the head like this or like this….

Bash on the head like this or like this….





Utterly Brilliant Book


Where does inspiration come from?